Hi, My name is Gillian West. Welcome to my blog spot. This is a place where you can check out my art works, contact me and purchase my art works.
I live in NSW North Coast in a little valley in the Upper Reaches of the Kalang River where beauty motivates me and inspires me to paint every day, which I have been doing now for over a decade, but only in the last few years I have seriously put effort into getting my work out there, now that my two children aren't so demanding of my time. I have had a few successful exhibitions to date at, Nexus Community Gallery, Bellingen, Solo Exhibition at Relish Restaurant, The Bunker Gallery in Coffs Harbour and my last show was a solo exhibition at Big Sky Gallery in Bellingen.
I strive in my paintings to bring the beauty and energies and power of nature that I see... to the viewer. I think of my paintings as mainly decorative, boldly bright in colour and would look at home on the walls of any modern house, but enough about trying to describe them to you, why don't you have a look, as they say "A picture is worth a thousand Words". I hope you enjoy what you see!